Sunday 26 August 2012

QUICK UPDATE - 12 week stretches just aren't for me!

Ok, so one of my goals was to stretch for twelve weeks without the aid of braids/a weave and although I'm doing so (for the first time ... yay me), I'm suffering from so much breakage that I'm am starting to think that it is detrimental to my hair. Having to de-tangle and style my hair daily is leading to a lot of breakage & thus I've decided that 8 - 10 week stretches will be sufficient in the future.

This does not mean that I will relax every 8 - 10 weeks because I am quite happy to do a 6 month long stretch if (& only if) the stretch is aided by the use of braids.

UPDATE [27/08/2012] - ok so this post is a bit OTT and after sleeping on the post i've decided not to give up just yet but to try and master my stretches. I think the main reason i'm finding it hard is because I still haven't managed to get the protein/moisture balance right but this will only come with time and I need to thus be patenient and focus more on the health (& strength) of my hair rather than just the length.


  1. I feel your pain, my hair was/is exactly the same.
    I think the moisture/protein balance is so hard to achieve, but patience is definitely the key!

    Good luck!

  2. Thanks! I think my main problem is having the patience, I keep expecting I'll get long hair which doesn't break just because i've decided to go on a HCJ lol ... but I'll stick to it & hopefully master the protein/moisture balance.
