Saturday 18 February 2012

The Weave Series: Installation & Maintenance

So I've had this weave in for 5/6 weeks already and I've just removed it with intention to do either braids or twists on Monday. I am aware that I should leave my hair out for at least a few days (and I usually do) however on this occasion I'm way too busy!

click here for a video created by MissBossyLive which shows a similar braid pattern to the one I used!

Maintenance of the weave itself:

Over the past couple of weeks I shampooed or co-washed the hair when needed to remove the oil build up caused by oiling my scalp (usually once or twice a week) and added some of my HE Beautiful ends to the ends of my weave if it looked particularly dry. As the weave I used was Wavy “Virgin Brazilian” hair I rarely applied heat to it. Instead I would let it air dry/spritz it with water (sort of like an everyday wash and go) and ended up with the wavy-ish beach curls look.

Maintenance of my hair:

I intended on moisturising my tracks with my new African Pride braid spray mixed with olive & castor oil every three days but that ended up becoming every week due to the fact that my weave became greasy too frequently. I ensured that I applied my mix to my scalp at night time as I wanted to prevent walking to and from lectures with oil dripping down my forehead and neck! As mentioned I kept my weave in for 5 to 6 weeks and so far I have washed my hair once the reason being that my shower at University is beyond crap and dribbles water making washing my hair a nightmare. I moisturised my leave out once or twice a day depending on whether I felt my hair needed more moisture (this was usually when it was extra cold outside/I went out multiple times in a day). 

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